We are pioneers in offering a genetic improvement and selection programme for Iberian swine.
- To ensure the longevity of breeding sows.
- To obtain good piglet quality and homogeneity at birth.
- To ensure proper breastfeeding.
- To minimise the weaning-fertile mating interval.
- To reduce the transmission of pathogens to offspring.
- To promote intake from the start.
- To encourage the establishment of a favourable microbiota.
- To encourage the correct development of the immature intestinal tract of the piglet.
- To promote intestinal health, allowing animals to express their growth potential.
- To prevent the onset of digestive disorders.
- To improve the physiological response to stressors, minimising post-weaning stress syndrome.
- To boost the immune response.
- To reduce mortality.
- To improve zootechnical parameters in view of the limited use of antibiotics and metals on farms.
- To promote intestinal health, allowing animals to express their growth potential.
- To minimise the impact of digestive pathologies.
- To improve fat digestibility.
- To improve the carcass quality and shelf life of pork meat.
In addition to the strategies implemented in the different production stages/phases common to white pigs, we are pioneers in offering a genetic improvement and selection programme for Iberian pigs which, associated with our nutritional programmes, enables:
- Reduced variability.
- Homogenisation of the final product / production.
- Improvement of current zootechnical parameters to achieve more efficient and cost-competitive production.
- Study of the phenomenon of heterosis and the complementarity established by crossing DUROC x IBERIAN.